Go 1.24 is going to make working with JSON much better. Let's see how.

omitzero in Go1.24: tips and gotchas!

Go 1.24 has a cool new feature called omitzero. It helps you clean up your JSON output by skipping fields that have default values. This is in addition to the emitempty tag that you can still use.

What Does omitzero Do?

In Go, you use struct tags to decide what data gets included in your JSON. Before, we used omitempty to skip fields that were empty, like:

  • Numbers that are 0.
  • Strings that are "" (empty).
  • Pointers or slices that are nil (nothing).

Now, with omitzero, you can specifically skip fields that have a zero value (like 0 for numbers or an empty time). You can also add custom definitions of empty. We’ll see that shortly.

Example of omitzero

Here’s what it looks like:

type Example struct {
Name    string  `json:"name,omitzero"`
Age     int     `json:"age,omitzero"`
Balance float64 `json:"balance,omitzero"`

If Name is "" (empty), Age is 0, and Balance is 0.0, these fields won’t appear in your JSON output.

How is omitzero Different From omitempty?

Here’s a comparison:

TagWhat It Does
omitemptySkips fields that are empty.
omitzeroSkips fields with zero values.

Why Use omitzero?

  1. Cleaner JSON: Your JSON outputs are smaller and easier to read.

  2. Precise Control: You can focus on skipping zero values only.

  3. Better for APIs: Helps you build clearer APIs that don’t include unnecessary fields.

Special Cases

Go 1.24 fixed an old problem with omitempty. It didn’t handle time.Time well when it was zero. But with omitzero, zero-value times are properly skipped!

Also, you can use both omitzero and omitempty if you want to skip fields for either reason.

type Event struct {
Name      string    `json:"name,omitempty,omitzero"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitzero"`


  • Name gets skipped if it’s empty or zero.
  • Timestamp gets skipped if it’s zero.

The IsZero Method

The omitzero feature relies on a special method in Go called IsZero. This method is used by the encoding system to determine whether a value is the zero value for its type. If a struct field implements the IsZero method, it overrides Go’s default behavior and allows developers to define what counts as a “zero value.”

Here’s an example of how to use IsZero:

package main

import (

type CustomField struct {
	Value int

func (cf CustomField) IsZero() bool {
	return cf.Value <= 0 // Define zero as any non-positive value

type Example struct {
	Custom CustomField `json:"custom,omitzero"`

func main() {
	data := Example{
		Custom: CustomField{Value: 0},

	result, _ := json.Marshal(data)
	fmt.Println(string(result)) // Output: {}

In this example, the CustomField type defines its own logic for determining zero values. This gives developers even more control when using omitzero.

When Should You Use omitzero?

Use omitzero when you want to skip only zero values. If you need to skip empty values as well, stick with omitempty or combine both.


omitzero is an awesome feature in Go 1.24 that helps make your JSON cleaner and more meaningful. Give it a try if you’re working with APIs or want to simplify your data.

Read the full release notes here. For more tips, check out ByteSizeGo blogs or our lessons where we release new ones every week.

Happy coding!