Short, focused Go tutorials designed to help you master concepts — fast.
New lessons every week!
Did you know you can build Mac, Linux & Windows apps using Go? Learn how!
Watch Now!Converting int into a string. Not as easy as you'd think!
Watch Now!byte and []byte to string
Watch Now!Learn about Go Embed and how it helps with portability
Watch Now!A deeper dive into error handling in go.
Watch Now!Errors are so important in the Go language. Learn the basics here.
Watch Now!What are they? Here's what you need to know
Watch Now!We know to wrap errors, but how can you make the additional context useful? Here's my opinion.
Watch Now!goMock is a widely used mocking framework that can help make your tests more complete. Let's see how
Watch Now!sync.Once is a useful package for all sorts of things, including lazy initalization. Let's explore.
Watch Now!A slice is a core data structure in Go. Let's learn more about them .
Watch Now!Short lesson on how to make Go code more readable.
Watch Now!Instead of putting all your startup logic in main.go, consider a run function. Let's see why.
Watch Now!Learn about maps in Go; how to make 'em and how to use 'em.
Watch Now!Learn why field alignment can be important for making applications use less memory and be more performant.
Watch Now!Learn how you can use Sevalla to deploy a Go application, fast!
Watch Now!Channels are a core concept in Go, lets see how they work!
Watch Now!Learning about the unsafe package can make it a little safer to use!
Watch Now!Learn how to use errgroups and why they are my favourite Go package.
Watch Now!In this video we'll learn how to add metrics to a Go API, so you can use them in Prometheus to get alerts!
Watch Now!Learn everything you need to know, including a history of, Go modules.
Watch Now!Learn how to debug a http request!
Watch Now!Learn how to use slog and some best practises for production logging.
Watch Now!Learn how to use the debugging in GoLand to step through code.
Watch Now!Deeper dive into using the debugger in GoLand on Table-Driven Tests
Watch Now!Learn about the http util package and how it makes debugging easier!
Watch Now!In this lesson we'll get you read to debug in VSCode.
Watch Now!Let's look at how to create interfaces and mock them for tests
Watch Now!Iterators were added to Go, but they are kind of confusing. Let's figure them out together.
Watch Now!Let's see some tips and tricks to work with Go in newer versions.
Watch Now!Random numbers are never really that random. In older versions of Go it was much more challenging to ensure you were doing the right thing. Let's see how newer versions help us here.
Watch Now!Recent versions of go contains for loop changes. Lets see how they differ from the previous versions.
Watch Now!Let's start at the beginning and write our first Go program. We'll also learn some tips and trick for the GoLand IDE
Watch Now!In this video we'll explore the unique package and when/how to use it.
Watch Now!In this video we'll write our first API service in Go using the GoLand IDE
Watch Now!You can enable/disable the ability to send Telemetry data to the Go team. Let's see why you should care.
Watch Now!Learn how to implement client-side streaming in gRPC using Go.
Watch Now!Learn how to implement bi-directional streaming in gRPC using Go.
Watch Now!Networks fail, and you should expect that. Learn how to defend against it.
Watch Now!Sometimes you can't beat manual testing, and you can still do that with gRPC.Learn how.
Watch Now!Learn how to implement server-streaming in gRPC using Go.
Watch Now!It's important to ensure that requests do not run too long. Learn how to manage that here,
Watch Now!Ensure secure communication between private services.
Watch Now!Learn what SSL is. If you don't know, this is a must watch!
Watch Now!What is kubernetes? and how do you deploy there?
Watch Now!Docker and Go are a match made in heaven. Learn why here.
Watch Now!Sometimes you can't beat manual testing, and you can still do that with gRPC.Learn how.
Watch Now!Let's see how you can correctly run and shutdown a Go server.
Watch Now!A brief intro into what gRPC is, and what the benefits are
Watch Now!